New York Premises Liability Defense Lawyers
From residential and commercial setting slip-and-fall and trip-and-fall accidents to issues involving elevators and security, our attorneys have handled every manner of litigation in the defense of property owners.
Our clients have ranged from well-known New York commercial establishments to the owners of multiple dwellings. In matters involving independent contractors, we have aggressively pursued indemnification issues and declarations as to the additional/named insured status of our clients with other carriers.
Our attorneys’ extensive knowledge of building codes and construction standards and our work with experts has aided us in our defense of matters involving significant injuries and those requiring technical expertise, including:
- Broken sidewalks
- Improperly designed stairs
- Improper lighting
- Malfunctioning elevators
- Weather-related falls
- Claims of defective conditions
Additionally, we have extensive experience defending security issues with respect to residential apartment settings, including situations involving:
- Defective security systems
- Security guards
We retain the services of well-known and highly qualified experts, including engineers and safety code experts, to assist in defense of these claims. We aggressively pursue the dismissal of these types of claims through dispositive motions on issues of notice, de minimis conditions, etc.
Pest Infestation Claims
The fastest growing defense issue in the premises liability arena is the defense of residential landlords against claims of bedbug infestations. We utilize a network of specific defense experts, including pest control companies and entomologists, to help support the defense of these claims.